Homes for nurses
Construction of homes for staff of health center in village linga Linga
On their website, WHO explains the concept of UHC, Universal Health Coverage. The goal is to ensure that all people globally obtain the health services they need without suffering financial hardship when paying for them. All UN Member States have agreed as part of the Sustainable Development Goals, in aiming to achieve UHC by 2030. At least 400 million people globally lack access to one or more essential health services and every year 100 million people are pushed into poverty because of expenses for health services.
For Linga Linga, a rural village in Mozambique’s Inhambane province, the closest accessible hospital is located in Morrumbene, a city about 30 km from the village. As a result, many avoid seeking help because of the expenses related to travelling there, and the lack of help one usually get once there. Therefore, it is essential to have a health center in the village that can support the hospitals with guiding the community in when it is critical to seek help, but also apply preventive care before health issues worsen.
The staff of Linga Linga Health Center are assigned out to the village by Morrumbene district to work every other week, and during that time be available around the clock. They are not provided any homes, which is why Project Vita were asked to support in the construction. Therefore, Project Vita together with the footwear company Ten Points, decided to build homes for the nurses as part of Ten Point’s CSR project. The result was a larger building with three seperat homes for each nurse and their family.
This project targets multiple targets within Sustainable Development Goal 3; Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Also Sustainable Development Goal 11; Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.